
My experience with the Constellation Approach™ and the Immersion Program has been life changing and life affirming.  Peter and Jamy create a safe, sacred container for the constellation work to unfold.  Their deep wisdom and insightful, compassionate facilitation helped me to witness and bring healing to what was out of balance in my family soul.  This profound healing work has empowered me to move forward in my life with greater compassion and clarity, and deeper love and acceptance of my relationships.  K.. C., New York

"Coming to the weekend Constellation seminar and having an individual session was life altering for me.  I am awed, though now it all makes sense why I had such a strong pull to travel all the way to Boston ... Divine intervention no doubt.  I am hoping to take your course as I feel you are both amazing facilitators."
- J. Z., Colorado

"What a joy to see my grandfather.  What an affirmation of the experience that we have all lived because he is ours.  What a wonderful medium of healing."
- E. B., Boston

"There are no words to describe how profoundly healing the Constellation was for me.  More HUGE for me than I can describe.  Thank you both with all my heart and soul to heal and get such profound pieces that I had not gotten before in all the decades and massive amounts of work I have done and healing I have received."
- S., Arizona

"I keep thinking about you guys and how much you have helped me with my family.  It is a miracle that my mom came to stay with me for two and a half months and my dad also came to stay with us for a week.  We had been very much estranged before I did your workshop."
- T. B., Georgia

"I want to express my gratitude for the work you facilitated.  I was dealing with my moms upcoming passing and what I received from our work was foundational for all that occurred.  I was able to let her go in peace.  I felt relieved and supported by this profound work.  I hope you can feel my deep gratitude toward you both."
- D. H., Florida

"What is dramatically different now is how we are together in the midst of lifes unfolding.  Appreciation has replaced resentment.  Listening has been substituted for judging.  And tolerating has given way to love."
- S. & D., New Hampshire

"The workshop I attended last weekend impacted me in ways I cannot even describe.  I just wanted to tell you what a great pleasure to meet you both, and know that your work is a positive contribution to society."
- J. A., Florida

"The Constellation Approach™ has helped me find an inner sense of freedom that no other teaching has yet done.  You are two of the most honest, generous and gifted guides I have ever worked with."
- M.S., Massachusetts

"Please know how grateful I am for your tenderness, compassion and incredible insight into my family constellation.  This workshop was without a doubt, one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful event I have experienced to date. Such a tremendous burden that I carried my entire life has been lifted.  I feel such love and gratitude for everyone in my family.  I have witnessed my family soul through the constellation ... so different than the image and pain that I carried with me up until now.  In the end when I scanned my family, shoulder to shoulder, balanced and in harmony, I was flooded with such grace and love beyond words.  I have found myself reciting four words at the most precise time, nothing less than magical, "I accept it all!"  Thank you for your deep commitment to this work."
- N. L., Pennsylvania

"I find this work to be quite freeing and your teaching approach is clean, clear and from the heart.  What I love most about the work is that it is not about the story.  It is a clear approach to the energetic patterns and fields that hold us in the past."
- J. S., New York

"I am still thinking about what a wonderful day it was!  The next day I felt so great.  It was like heavy weights had been lifted from my shoulders.  No question Bert Hellinger has discovered a very effective and special way to uncover and heal family wounds and issues.  Thank you again for being the instruments of this work."
- C. H., Connecticut

"Thank you both for my amazing experience in your workshop.  It helped me make a most important shift in my attitudes as well as the way I approach my relationships (with myself and others).  The most important thing that I learned was that my truth is not my story.  They both matter but they are different.  This lesson keeps resonating in my life and has opened me up to more successful and satisfying communications, particularly with my parents.  Every day I have occasion to practice and be grateful for what I was able to learn and experience with you."
- G. S., Massachusetts

"I just want you to know how grateful I am for the experience you provided this past weekend.  I am continuing to receive and heal.  You both touched my heart.  I can't stop talking about how wonderful the Constellation work is."
- B. W., Florida

"A simple thank you does not seem to express my gratitude for the deep work you were able to do yesterday.  The whole day touched me and continues to reverberate from my core.  Thank you for demonstrating a different way to relate to people.In humble appreciation."
- D. H., Florida
Life like a grain of sand
Blowing among others -
Touching and resting for awhile,
Moving through this universe
Exposed for all to see

Take me, oh great sea,
Carry me to some foreign land,
And deposit me on a shore far away.

Let me have a taste of other earth,
Feel the wind of distant places
And the scent of tropic soil.

I face fullness of this life
Yet forever remain
Just a humble grain
From the beach that I was born.

~ Faust