About Us
Family ConstellationAfter completing our training in 2002 with the Bert Hellinger Institute USA, we began to facilitate this method in our private practices and in public seminars.  We were taught by Bert Hellinger, who developed this work and many of the original facilitators including Harold Hohnen, Hunter Beaumont, Stephan Hausner, Judith Hemming and Claudia Mengel.  Our Approach is further influenced by Barbara Brennan and her broad vision of the Human Energy Field and by Ralph Metzner and his vast understanding of Human Consciousness.

Peter Faust, M.Ac. holds a Master's degree in Japanese and Chinese Acupuncture and is licensed to practice herbal medicine in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Peter held the position of second year assistant dean and third year assistant dean during his six years of teaching at the Barbara Brennan School's four-year training program. During that time he taught high sense perception and channeling as well as teaching the core curriculum of the program. Peter's private practice utilizes all of his trainings depending on the condition presented by his clients. The Constellation Approach™ has proven to be very beneficial for those clients working on family issues and as follow up for clients who have attended the Constellation Approach™ workshops.

Jamy Faust, M.A. holds a Master's degree in Holistic Counseling and Psychology. She is a graduate and former faculty member of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.  She has extensively studied the Family Constellation Method of Bert Hellinger and currently assists Ralph Metzner in his Alchemical Divination programs.  Her private practice blends together the Constellation Approach™, counseling, energy therapy, and guided imagery divination to affect the mind, heart and soul of her clients.

Peter and Jamy practice at Healing Arts of Belmont near Boston, Massachusetts. They have been married for 25 years.

youtube Jamy speaks about "the blessing of guilt"
Messengers of Healing Our Chapter "The Role of Energy and Intuition in Family Constellations" featured in the newly released book Messengers of Healing: The Family Constellations of Bert Hellinger Through the Eyes of a New Generation of Practitioners is now available through Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, Publishers http://www.zeigtucker.com/product/messengers-of-healing.

Read an excerpt from the chapter
The seeds of our life begin together entwined, mixing as one.
Sprouting they hold promise and joy, disappointment and loss.
A mix of sun and rain, shade and drought, steers our way.
Choked out, trampled, weeded or watered, determines our growth.
These seeds of our life give us strength to move inward toward stillness, our home.
