Our seminars will begin again in Fall of 2013 as we are currently writing our book about the Constellation Approach.

If you are interested in working privately in a one-to-one setting, in person, by phone or skype, either Peter or Jamy are available for scheduling of Individual Constellation sessions.

Our day-long seminars in Massachusetts and our weekend seminars in other locations are designed to take the participants through an experience of the Constellation Approach.  Over the course of the seminars there are numerous opportunities for attendees to do their own constellation or stand in as a “representative” for various family members in other’s constellations.

Throughout the weekend seminars, in addition to the constellations, guided imagery, brief meditations, exercises and teaching of the fundamental aspects of the Constellation Approach are incorporated.  These seminars also act as an introduction to the Immersion Program, an in-depth course in The Constellation Approach.  The Immersion Program is offered in Massachusetts and Florida.


October 5, 2013
November 16, 2013
December 7, 2013
January 18, 2014
March 8, 2014
April 5, 2014
May 10, 2014

Register online

Other ways to Register:  Print and complete our Mail-in Registration Form and mail it to us with your check.  Your place is confirmed when payment is received.  If registering less than 2 weeks prior to a workshop date, please call us at 617-484-4325 to confirm that space is available.

Location:  Hilton Garden Inn, 420 Totten Pond Rd, Waltham, MA
Directions:   Click to view a Google Map
Time:  9:30 am to 6:00 pm
Cost:  $150

I used to live in
A cramped house with
Confusion and Pain

But then I met the Friend
And started laughing
And singing all Night.

Confusion and Pain
Started acting nasty,
Making threats,
With talk like this,

"If you don't stop 'that' -
All that fun -

We're leaving you."
