FOR SATURDAY SEMINARS & IMMERSION PROGRAM - Hilton Garden Inn (Adams Room), 420 Totten Pond Rd, Waltham, MA 781-890-0100 
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The Hilton Garden Inn is located by taking Exit 27B off Route 128/95 North.   Follow Google Map for detailed directions.

FOR PRIVATE APPOINTMENTS  - Healing Arts of Belmont
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Healing Arts of Belmont is located at 7 Williston Road in Cushing Square, Belmont.  Williston Road is one block from the intersection of Trapelo Rd. and Common St., across from Brother's Pizza and on the same side of the street as Starbucks.  Look for the white with green-trimmed "Healing Arts of Belmont" sign at the top of our driveway.  We are across the street from the entrance to the municipal parking lot. Walk down the driveway between the light yellow residence and the CTC Gold Refinery to find our offices in the small white house.

Best parking is in the municipal lot across from our office. You can get a 2-hour ticket from the machine on the center island. Bring quarters.

Storrow Drive West
Arlington/Fresh Pond exit and follow Rt. 16 toward Watertown
Continue on Rt. 16 and after Star Market on right, bear right onto Belmont Street
Continue to the fourth light and after Starbucks turn left onto Williston Road. Our office is on the right.

Memorial Drive: West
At the end of Memorial Drive follow Rt. 16 toward Watertown. Once on to Rt. 16 follow directions as shown above.

From Mass. Pike
Exit 17 Watertown/Newton exit
To Watertown, Rt. 16 (Galen St.)
Pass Staples Copy Center then Starbucks on the right. After Starbucks, turn left at 2nd light onto Common St.
Continue past Citgo Gas Station on right.
Turn left at the next light onto Trapelo Rd.
Turn left onto Williston Road. Our office on right.

From 1-95/128
Exit 28 - Trapelo Rd./Belmont exit and head toward Belmont on Trapelo Rd.
Continue on about 5 miles, passing Shaw's Market on left
Continue until road inclines and at the top of the hill; turn right onto Williston Road, at the corner of #130 Trapelo and across from Brothers Pizza.

From Rt. 2 East
Park Avenue exit and turn right at end of exit
Turn left at the rotary, quick right and go down a steep hill
Continue into Belmont Center and after going under stone ached bridge, turn right onto Common Street
Go to 2nd light and turn right onto Trapelo Road
Next left onto Williston Road and our office is on the right.

By Bus
From Harvard Square take the #73, Waverley Square Bus. Ask to be let off in Cushing Square. Diagonally across the intersection from the bus stop is Starbucks and follow notes above to our office.

I used to live in
A cramped house with
Confusion and Pain

But then I met the Friend
And started laughing
And singing all Night.

Confusion and Pain
Started acting nasty,
Making threats,
With talk like this,

"If you don't stop 'that' -
All that fun -

We're leaving you."
