
"The light that you seek is within you...You just have to peel the onion, layers and layers of ignorance are there. The diamond is hidden in the mud. The diamond is not to be created. The diamond is already there --- only the layers of mind have to be removed."    ~ Osho

Holistic Therapy for Mind, Heart & Soul

With compassion and intimacy, Jamy creates the vessel necessary for you to find your own way toward becoming centered, grounded and more at peace with yourself.  Her intention is to guide you toward awakening your inner wisdom and to embrace what is meaningful, holy and sacred in your daily life.
"Thank you for holding me in sacred space and sharing your medicine.  I’m grateful for the pieces of gold I’ve mined in my heart and the courage to keep stepping out of the box.” – H.H.

“You have helped me free the treasures locked inside and be open to the possibility of life.  Thank you for the gift of your presence.” – E.B.

“You always meet me just where I am, sit with me for a spell then gently nudge me toward where I want to go.” – C.L.

“You helped me out of my shell.  Through your healing, your teaching and your example, you showed me how to be myself in any situation.” – V.G.

About Jamy

For more than twenty years, Jamy has been practicing approaches to opening the heart, the mind and the soul. Her connection to ritual, spirituality and sacredness is diverse -- from formal Catholic education to initiation into the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism by the 16th Karmapa at age 22. She resided in the Hawaiian islands for over 10 years and the influence of Kahuna healing has become an integral part of her world view.

She has a Master's degree in Holistic Counseling and Psychology, is extensively trained in Bert Hellinger's Family Constellation Method and Ralph Metzner's Alchemical Divination™ practices. Jamy has been a practitioner of Energy Medicine since 1989. She is a graduate and former faculty of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. With Integra Institute in Germany, she created and taught LichtArbeit (LightWork) seminars.

Jamy meets with individuals & couples in her private practice. She and her husband Peter co-facilitate seminars and learning programs in the Constellation Approach™. They are both graduates of the Bert Hellinger Institute, USA.

A session with Jamy begins with deep conversation and may include  energy treatments with hands-on healing, setting up a constellation or practicing processes of consciousness awakening depending upon the issue you are presenting.

How Will I Benefit?

You'll be inspired to...
  • Become aware of your inner experience & knowing
  • Clarify your thoughts
  • Communicate more effectively & with integrity
  • Learn how you negatively use your energy
  • Uncover the ancestral patterns that keep you from moving forward
  • Connect more fully in your relationships
  • Acknowledge your strengths & unlock your creative potential
  • Expand your intuition
  • Tap into the vitality of your energy centers
  • Open your heart to compassion & joy
  • Discover your connection to the Divine
  • Find comfort in your own stillness



"Love tells me I'm everything.  Wisdom tells me I'm nothing.  Between these two banks, the river of my life flows."    ~Nisirgadata

Amethyst Opening
Amethyst Opening is a private 3+ hour intensive session using guided imagery and Alchemical Divination designed to open the heart, mind and soul to broader realms of consciousness.

Modeled after ancient mystery schools, Amethyst Opening is an opportunity to experience methods for awakening and expanding into your authentic Self.  Through perceptual activation, breathing exercises, meditation, ceremonial ritual and Alchemical Divination, we open to broader realms of consciousness.  Rooted in Tibetan, Egyptian, Hawaiian, yogic and native traditions, some of the aspects that you'll experience:
  • Light-fire methods to ignite your life force
  • Opening your heart
  • Grounding your emotional strength
  • Reconnecting to your ancestral lineage
  • Accessing and opening to greater consciousness
  • Discovering more of who you are

 Amethyst Opening is the process of opening the portal to the eye of your heart, offering clarity, balance and integration of your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and Soul levels to enhance your life's purpose.

Contact Jamy

7 Williston Road, Belmont, MA 02478
617-484-HEAL (4325)

Google Map directions to Healing Arts of Belmont

  • Holistic Counseling sessions may be scheduled for 60 minutes
  • Holistic Counseling & Energy Healing sessions may be scheduled for 75 or 90 minutes
  • Private Individual Constellation Approach™ sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes
  • Amethyst Opening™ is a 3-hour intensive using guided imagery and Alchemical Divination for healing issues of the past or for guidance on your next step.

Jamy is featured in a new book:
bookBuy it at Amazon.com